KLC Marketing Group creates digital marketing that generates leads and automated marketing which converts leads to customers. Then we train your staff to do it. Finally, you have marketing experts to help you grow and succeed.
Free Strategy SessionWe are the digital marketers and automators who make this marketing work consistently. Certified in Infusionsoft and SEO, we have the experience to understand your industry and brand then tailor a complete digital process that will generate customers.
Website Development. Presenting your product/service to prompt engagement and get visitors to take an action — read more, watch a video, download a guide or sign up for a free trial. Going deeper with levels of content and engagement.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Helping you rank your pages and blog posts with Google more effectively. Even facilitating those reviews for local businesses.
Marketing Automation. Setting up email/text marketing to help you convert your leads better and more consistently . . . automatically without sending each one individually. Supporting your sales process with emails, tasks and tracking. More importantly, you can manage your entire customer relationship through sale and beyond, fueling upsells and long term customer relationships.
Social Media Posting/Content Management. Setting up a content calendar for blog posts and social media posts for events, to drive site traffic, to generate leads or to showcase your charitable contributions. 25-50% should have links that serve a purpose.